Printmaking for everyone, Open Press Project on Kickstarter

Printmaking is a very old and beautiful art form you may know from university or your art classes at school. And while it has endless possibilities to be creative and countless options of techniques, media or styles, it‘s not accessible for a lot of people. The main problem is to get access to a printing press, the most crucial piece of machinery in the process of printmaking. And because a regular press is very expensive, heavy and difficult to ship, it‘s not an option for a lot of artists.
That‘s why the people at Open Press Project challenged themselves to come up with a solution specifically for intaglio: a small but fully functional etching press, designed to be lightweight, inexpensive and portable. Their Kickstarter has currently more than 1000 backers and offers some printmaking sets with a press, paper, ink, tools and materials, so creatives from all over the world can immediately start printing as soon as they receive their press! 

There are just a few days left!  Support Open Press Project on KICKSTARTER